Antonia Wittchen: Ordinary Days in L&C - Lines & Current

Antonia Wittchen: Ordinary Days in L&C

Posted by Rebekah Johanson on

It's my absolute pleasure to introduce Antonia Wittchen, a student of 'Communication Design' at SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences' and long time L&C customer. 
My hope, through this series that has emerged out of the humdrum of lockdown, is that we can have a glimpse into the lives of other L&C'ers, near and far and share some inspiration on the normal types things that make us tick as we get on with our ordinary days. Thankyou so much to Antonia for your contribution. Go show her some love on IG @antonia_leanne. x
Antonia in the Dreamer Necklace
Hi Antonia. How’s lockdown been for you? 
Honestly, at the beginning I absolutely loved it. It felt like an endless holiday and the slow pace was something very healing and creatively refreshing for me. After a year of on and off lockdown though, I really miss hanging out with friends and seeing the city coming back to life.  
Antonia in Mona Ring
What's your idea of a perf ordinary day? 
I love slow mornings- taking my time to do a workout, shower, make a really nice breakfast and then slowly starting to check off the day’s checklist. Incorporating some kind of creative practice always boosts my mood, so if my work/ uni to-do’s don’t require me to create anything I’ll carve out some time for a doodle/ writing / taking pictures… (at least that’s what I try to turn into a habit). 
Mona choker as bracelet
Dreamer necklace in S
Mona Choker
Fav food or meal? 
My fave meal of the day is without a doubt breakfast, but if I were to choose only one thing to eat for the rest of my life that’d definitely be Sushi. 
My fiancé and I have also been learning to make lots of Taiwanese dishes at home lately as going out for food isn’t possible. I might be biased (mom’s from Taiwan) but they really know how to make good food. So any kind of Asian dish is a winner really.
What inspires you ?
Luckily I’ve been able to work with quite a few other creatives despite lockdown (Berlin is such a creative hub, literally everyone does something really cool) and these collaborations always sparked new inspiration inside of me. To watch a dancer create magic with their movements or a florist assemble a gorgeous arrangement for instance gives me a fresh perspective on my own work as photographer and designer as well.
Antonia in Hetta
wearing Hetta
Fav show you’ve watched or fiction during lockdown?
I’m not really a show person (might be the only one on this planet) but I’ve been getting back into reading lately and really enjoyed Sanderson’s Stormlight archives. Highly recommend if you’re into epic fantasy with surprising plot twists, great character development and lots of cliffhangers.
Antonia wears: Hetta in Sandy Brown, Mona ring and Mona choker and Dreamer Coin with "S" engraving. 

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