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Lines & Current has always been commited to donating at least 10% of profits to worthy causes.

In 2017 we partnered with SOS Children's Villages. Since then we've become one of their largest UK corporate donors. From 2017-2019 our donation sent 64 African kids to school for a year, covering the cost of tuition, books and transport. 

In 2020, we were asked by SOS to donate to a new 'Youth Training and Employability Centre' which has been having an important impact in The Gambia, one of Africa's smallest and poorest countries. Between 2020-2024, 587 students will have graduated from the programme and 150 will start training in 2025. The students have studied a range of subjects to support them in enjoying sustainable livelihoods, such as sewing, literacy catering and PC repairs. 

The reason we love their work is because of the idea that when equipped with the knowledge and skills youths get from an education, they can be empowered and grow in confidence and purpose which is such a wonderful gift at a young age. Something I cherish for my own kids too. It can also have a positive impact on the infrastructure of the community, increase their social security and change the course of their future. 

Thanks to your orders and the extra Black Friday 30% give we do every year, we've been able to steadily donate to these meaningful projects. Click here to find out more about SOS Children's Villages.