Okay i really dug into the classics for this one + it's an 'all gold' lineup - Here's to nostalgia, here's to rising to the challenge (that came from noone:) ... and here's to honouring the popularity of May- our month of 'green agate.' i give you 4 necklace looks plus a cheeky May birthstone charm on them all.
1. The Goddess Moon- one of our most feminine necklaces; her lunar nature, her curvature, how she cradles a dark side in her left arm. Pairing the May charm with the horn moon was experimental and i just love the nostalgia and mood they create together.

3. Selene Pearl necklace (again) Celeste Feather + May Charm. Celeste feather is emotional, even just to look at. A molten angel wing with an elongated bail loop. Again, I'm reminded why i love a bunch of charm pendants hanging together. Put your own intention in there and all of a sudden it has it's own personality even if it's only known by you.

All featuring 'Jörd' birthstone in Green Agate available as necklace + single charm.
Rebekah x