Hannah McShane: Ordinary Days in L&C - Lines & Current

Hannah McShane: Ordinary Days in L&C

Posted by Rebekah Johanson on

'Ordinary Days' is back! 

In this series, we get a glimpse into the lives of genuine L&C'ers and ask them what type of 'ordinary' things they indulge themselves in! 


Meet Hannah McShane aka @blue.haired.barber. She's golden, just like her taste in L&C bling. A Belfast gal who owns a classic barbershop, loves waking up beside her cutie pie pup and is perfectly fine ordering the exact same every time at her fav sushi spot. 


Hannah catching some rays in L&C bling.


R: What’s your idea of the perfect ordinary day?

H: For me the perfect ordinary day comes in a few forms. But one thing for sure is that it would be a cosy one. Phoebe & I wake up together most mornings. She is my tiny dog who I rehomed, she didn’t have a great life til we met. She sits on my lap most of the AM til she’s ready for the world. Ordinary days begin with a slow morning at home & no better way to wake up thanks with a good coffee. For me a coffee is an espresso, I began to drink espresso when I lived in Portugal, I brought a machine home with me & never quite stopped. I’ve yet to find a great espresso in my city, so for now I make my own. Accompanied by many foods & snack throughout the day. Although, if the sun is out you won’t catch me inside. Il be at the park in the sunniest spot. I realised recently, watching the burning red sunset is a get way to reset if I’m feeling low. The scenes give me some perspective & remind me that no matter what happens, the sun will always rise again tomorrow. I was on a work trip recently and that’s what I took away from it.


Hannah and espresso


espresso and Marlowe ring


Hannah cutting bread to snack on.


R: Fav thing about yourself?

H: I’m not really sure what my favourite thing is about myself, that’s the type of thing I’m trying to soften into right now. I love that I’m building my own perfect life, which may look boring to anyone else. Going to my local sushi bar with my boyfriend, ordering the exact same order as I do every time & walking home after, is pretty much the ultimate exciting “evening out” for me these days.


hannah and bread


Marlowe ring


R: What are you learning about these days?

H: These days I’m learning mostly about how to run a business. I recently started my own. Boy! that’s a learning curve. I opened a classic barbershop, inspired by the haircuts, services & how they were carried out 1920s-1950s, it’s very specific. It’s also a school, so we travel to teach others how to do what we do.
I’m learning how to juggle just showing up each day & owning the actual business is new for me but I think I’m getting there.


An example of Hannah's style of Classic Barbering.



R: How does L&C fit into your style?

H: I never really wore jewellery until I spotted L&C in a yoga studio, I have a long period of weeks gazing over the necklaces thru the glass case counter every time I checked into a yoga class. Until one day I decided I deserved one, the affordability of long lasting pieces in conjunction with fast fashion jewellery - it fits into my budget!

I’m not the most colourful dresser, I admire minimal pieces of garments that I can layer. That’s exactly how I wear my L&C pieces, like tiny woolly jumpers on a cold day. It’s funny, I never wore jewellery & now if I forget (I have) I will turn to go back home, it makes me feel less ‘naked’.


R: Fav way to feel inspired?

H: I always feel inspired unexpectedly, it’s not really something I can plan. Isn’t that the magic of inspiration? It just happens and you can’t fight it. I indulge in old soul / jazz records & spend time looking for new ones, that sound old. That makes me feel inspired always. I feel inspired to watch someone get lost in their “thing”, whatever that is. Some people like me cut hair, some paint. But what I’m saying is, if you're passionate about something, no matter what that thing is, that inspires me.


Hannah with elska necklace and demi moon sister

 Hannah in millie rope chain


Big thanks to Hannah for giving us a little glimpse into her glorious & ordinary life. 

The golden L&C bling that Hannah was wearing in order of appearance :


Carrie Curb Chain

Millie Rope Chain

Olinda Signet Ring

Dark 'Marlowe' Signet Ring (his + hers)

Elska Infinity Necklace

Demi Moon Sister Necklace





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