It started in a familiar way- with family, outdoors and with a mountain of ideas bubbling. It's a bit of a dangerous place. The night the first picture in January 2015 was taken was the evening Lines & Current was launched with one product that encapsulated the vision: the HETTA baby! Everyday- understated- functional for the outdoors, but with an urban twist. I guess the rest just merges into the next. We move, then we evolve, dipping and rising to unforeseen problems, we tweak, reinvent and we keep going. The following selection of pics shows a bit of a time-line marking a few of the best bits of the Lines & Current journey, the HAmazing collaborations, developing my eye for design and how to launch of new products, photographing the new minimal jewellery collection & headwear in Paris, strengthening the vision of the 'giving' strategy, taking a month trip to Calgary and somehow making the whole thing work from there, market-life and finally the christmas rush and a snow-lovin' family trip to France.
On a personal level, this year has been a particular rollar-coaster, often filled with trial, heart-wrenching frustration, but also filled with lots of hilarity, lots of opportunities to deepen relationships with family & friends, a year to develop minimalist thinking beyond my wardrobe, and eating lots more plants as a family too:)
Anyhow, indulgent as it may seem, it's cool to select some photos and say "there are SO many things to celebrate in spite of harder 'behind closed doors' moments in life." I kinda like that the first pic highlights my love for the wild outdoors, the day the dream for this brand was born, and that the final one resonates with rumble of city & culture with the twinny @newportals. My love for both leaves me straddling a bit...